Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fwd: U.S. EPA GoGreen! EXTRA September 2013 Monthly Consumer Newsletter

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From: U.S. EPA <usaepa@service.govdelivery.com>
Date: Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 11:02 AM
Subject: U.S. EPA GoGreen! EXTRA September 2013 Monthly Consumer Newsletter
To: iammejtm@gmail.com


EPA News You Can Use - September 2014 EXTRA







Help us spread the word: clean water matters!


The quickest way to do that is to share that message at the same time as hundreds of other people using a system called Thunderclap.


Clean water is important for drinking, swimming, and fishing. We need it for our communities, farms, and businesses. To have clean water downstream in the rivers and lakes in our neighborhoods, we need healthy headwaters upstream. But right now, 60 percent of our streams and millions of acres of wetlands across the country aren't clearly protected from pollution and destruction. That's why we've proposed to strengthen protection for our water.


Will you lend your voice to the need for clean water? Join our Thunderclap on September 29 at 2 pm and let us automatically share this important message with your friends and followers via social media:


"Clean water is important to me. I support EPA's efforts to protect it for my health, my family, and my community."


With your help, we want to send that message to at least 2 million people!


Join the clean water Thunderclap: http://thndr.it/1rUOiaB


Also, please post this to your Facebook or Twitter accounts to invite your friends to sign up (the link goes to our blog post so they can learn more):


Tell your friends you care about clean water and support EPA's proposal to protect it: http://blog.epa.gov/blog/2014/09/do-you-choose-clean-water


Read the blog post for more info about how Thunderclap works:



Learn more about the clean water proposal:





Americans want to be involved in helping to protect and improve the nation's land, water, and air. "Go Green!" is a monthly newsletter from the US EPA summarizing recent news and info you can use to make a difference in your home, community, and workplace.

Want more news? Sign up to receive daily EPA news releases on topics that interest you.


Read our blogs: http://www2.epa.gov/aboutepa/greenversations

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Like us on Facebook: http://www2.epa.gov/aboutepa/social-media#facebook

Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/epagov

More about GoGreen!

EPA Seal

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This email was sent to iammejtm@gmail.com using GovDelivery, on behalf of: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency · 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Washington DC 20460 · 202-564-4355 Powered by GovDelivery

Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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