Saturday, August 30, 2014

Fwd: News About NIGMS-Funded Research

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From: National Institute of General Medical Sciences <>
Date: Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 11:26 AM
Subject: News About NIGMS-Funded Research

Here's a periodic digest of news about NIGMS-supported research around the nation.

Fail-Safe Points Found in Bacterial Cell Cycle
August 28, 2014 • Washington University School of Medicine

New Understanding of Mechanism by Which Cells Try to Arrest Oncogene Action
August 28, 2014 • Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Epigenetic Changes May Be Key to Tumor Development
August 26, 2014 • Johns Hopkins Medicine

Extracellular Cue Helps Invading Cells Navigate
August 25, 2014 • Duke University

Cancer-Fighting Drugs Might Also Stop Malaria Early
August 25, 2014 • Duke University

Crystal Structure of First Known Nematode-Infecting Virus
August 18, 2014 • Rice University

Read more news from NIGMS-funded institutions.

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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