Saturday, August 30, 2014

Fwd: EPA Highlights: Back to School Edition

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From: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency <>
Date: Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 8:14 AM
Subject: EPA Highlights: Back to School Edition


Students: Go Green at Your School

Back to School Student

1. Looking for homework help or activities about the environment? Visit EPA's Student Center here

2. Learn the basics and think like a scientist. Use EPA's Student Guide to Climate Change to see the impacts and be a part of the solution. Find the interactive site here

3. Working on an environmental project in your school or community? Apply for the President's Environmental Youth Award. Applications are due December 31, 2014. Apply and learn about the 2013 winners here

Teachers: Download EPA Resources for Your Classroom

Children in Classroom

1. Help students learn about environmental health and empower them to take steps in their everyday lives to protect the environment. Download EPA's curriculum Recipes for Healthy Kids and a Healthy Environment here

2. Looking for more resources on the environment to use in your classroom this school year? Visit EPA's teacher resource center to find lesson plans and activities here Use this handy guide to find the top resources.

3. EPA recently announced the winners of the 2013-2014 Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators. The award recognizes outstanding kindergarten through grade 12 teachers who employ innovative approaches to environmental education and use the environment as a context for learning for their students. The application period for the 2014-2015 award will be announced in Fall 2014. Read about the current winners and learn more about the award here

College Students: Help Green Your Campus

Green Shopping

1. Stay sustainable this school year. EPA summer intern Maddie Dwyer shares her tips for going green at school, like conserving energy and getting involved on campus. Read her post on EPA's It's My Environment blog here.

2. Looking for ideas to green your dorm room or home? Find tips to reduce and reuse on EPA's Pinterest board here. Read a blog post from EPA summer intern Stephanie Businelli where she discusses a shopping guide for a more sustainable dorm room here

3. Registration for EPA's Campus Rainworks Challenge opens September 2, 2014. Student teams, working with a faculty advisor, will submit design boards, a project narrative, and a letter of support describing a proposed green infrastructure project for their college campus. Registrants must submit their entries by December 19, 2014. Learn more about the challenge and register here

School Administrators: Use EPA's Programs for a Healthy School Environment

Back to School

1.Take Action to improve children's health at your school. EPA's comprehensive schools website offers all the resources you need to establish, maintain, or enhance a school environmental health program. Find guidelines, studies, and other resources here 

2. Funding will be available this fall for school bus replacements under the 2014 School Bus Rebate Program. Learn more and sign up for updates here

3. The School Flag Program alerts schools to the local air quality forecast and helps them to take actions to protect students' health, especially those with asthma. Get started with the program here

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Office of the Administrator / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
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EPA Seal

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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