Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Fwd: MedlinePlus Health News

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From: MedlinePlus <>
Date: Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 8:39 AM
Subject: MedlinePlus Health News

06/11/2014 09:00 AM EDT

Source: HealthDay - Video
Related MedlinePlus Pages: Breast Cancer, Moles, Women's Health
06/10/2014 08:40 PM EDT

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Related MedlinePlus Page: Diabetic Heart Disease
06/10/2014 07:00 PM EDT

Eating more fish, nuts, poultry may help, but findings don't prove cause-and-effect

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay
Related MedlinePlus Pages: Breast Cancer, Nutrition
06/10/2014 05:11 PM EDT

Source: Food and Drug Administration
Related MedlinePlus Pages: Child Nutrition, Preconception Care, Pregnancy and Nutrition
06/10/2014 05:00 PM EDT

Studies found that women with more moles on their arms had slightly higher chance of malignancies
Source: HealthDay
Related MedlinePlus Pages: Breast Cancer, Moles
06/10/2014 04:00 PM EDT

Study questions value of insulin analogs, but U.S. diabetes expert says they're cost-effective

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay
Related MedlinePlus Pages: Diabetes Medicines, Diabetes Type 2
06/10/2014 04:00 PM EDT

Study finds a fivefold increase in risk, but doesn't prove cause-and-effect

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay
Related MedlinePlus Pages: Diabetes Type 2, Genes and Gene Therapy, Hispanic American Health
06/10/2014 04:00 PM EDT

New 15-year study says these procedures outperform regular care for obese patients

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay
Related MedlinePlus Pages: Diabetes Type 2, Obesity, Weight Loss Surgery
06/10/2014 02:00 PM EDT

American Medical Association recommendations include minimum age purchase rule, flavor restrictions

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay
Related MedlinePlus Page: Smoking
06/10/2014 12:00 PM EDT

Nearly 1 in 10 people now face higher risks for various ills linked to the blood sugar disease, report finds

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay
Related MedlinePlus Pages: Diabetes, Health Statistics
06/10/2014 12:00 PM EDT

Researchers hope findings could eventually lead to eye-cell transplants that could stop or reverse blindness

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay
Related MedlinePlus Pages: Retinal Disorders, Stem Cells
06/10/2014 12:00 PM EDT

Nearly 2 million Americans have chlamydia infection, but about 400,000 don't know it, government estimates

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay
Related MedlinePlus Pages: Chlamydia Infections, Health Statistics, Teen Sexual Health
06/10/2014 12:00 PM EDT

Finding underscores fact that not only early preemies show developmental deficits

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay
Related MedlinePlus Pages: Brain Diseases, Premature Babies
06/10/2014 11:20 AM EDT

Source: American Heart Association
Related MedlinePlus Page: Congenital Heart Defects
06/10/2014 11:13 AM EDT

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Related MedlinePlus Pages: Diabetes, Diabetes Type 1, Diabetes Type 2, Diabetes in Children and Teens
06/10/2014 09:00 AM EDT

In turn, that may boost immune system and overall health, researchers note

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay
Related MedlinePlus Pages: Digestive Diseases, Exercise and Physical Fitness, Immune System and Disorders
06/10/2014 09:00 AM EDT

But most of these effects reverse after women finish treatment, experts say

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay
Related MedlinePlus Pages: Breast Cancer, Heart Disease in Women
06/10/2014 07:00 AM EDT

Suggestions to prevent cross-contamination
Source: HealthDay
Related MedlinePlus Page: Food Safety
06/10/2014 07:00 AM EDT

Here are possible causes
Source: HealthDay
Related MedlinePlus Page: Leg Injuries and Disorders

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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