Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Fwd: Lucas County FSA Newsletter

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From: USDA Farm Service Agency <>
Date: Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 10:25 AM
Subject: Lucas County FSA Newsletter

June 2014

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Lucas County FSA Updates

Lucas County FSA Office

21792 490th St.
Chariton, IA  50049

Phone: 641-792-2119
Fax: 855-211-4021

County Executive Director:
Angela K. Vos

Farm Loan Manager:
Randall Nelson

Farm Loan Officer:
Molly Spoon

Program Technicians:
Melissa Goering
Ronda Harrison
Lisa Johnston
Becky White

Next County Committee Meeting: Sept 10, 9:00 am


The deadline to certify crops is July 15th.  Producers with CRP acres are required to certify their acres in order to receive their annual rental payment in October.  It is recommended that all producers certify, in order to maintain eligibility for any current or future FSA programs.  Appointments are not needed, however they are recommended so that the office can be better prepared. 


Continuous CRP signup is currently underway.  This signup is just for land that is considered environmentally sensitive.  A general CRP signup will not be held in 2014.  Producers that have land that is currenlty in CRP and is scheduled to expire on September 30th, received a letter in the mail outling the options for this land.  Different contracts have different options, so I encourage producers to contact our office as soon as possible and let us review your options with you.


The Farm Storage Facility Loan (FSFL) program allows producers to obtain low interest financing to build or upgrade farm storage facilities.  Some of the details are as follows:

1. Eligible commodities include corn, soybeans, hay and fruits and vegetable cold storage.

2. The principal loan amount shall be 85% of the eligible costs not to exceed $500,000.

3. The terms of the loan are 7, 10 or 12 years, depending upon the total amount financed.

4.  Interest rates for June are 2.25% for 7 year loans, 2.625% for 10 years loans, and 2.75% for 12 year loans.

5. A down payment of 15% is required.

6. Proof of crop insurance and all peril insurance on the structure is required for all the years of the loan.

7. There is a $100 non-refundable application fee per producer.

8. Used equipment, portable dryers, scales, structures of temporary nature or structures for commercial purposes are not eligible.

If you have further questions, please contact our office.


The 2014 payment limitations are as follows:
Total of Price Loss Coverage (PLC) Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC), & Loan Deficiency/market gain programs (LDP/MLG) - $125,000
Total of Livestock Disaster Programs - $125,000
CRP programs - $50,000

Direct Attribution - program payments made directly or indirectly to a person are combined with the pro rata interest of the person's share of an entity.  In regard to entities, the same is true - payments will be attributed to the individual's share that have a direct or indirect interest in the entity.  The best way to explain this is that all payments will be "attributed" to the individual person's social security number.

Actively engaged in farming - to be considered actively engaged in farming, a producer must provide a significant contribution of capital, land, equipment, or a combination.  Producers must also provide a significant contribution of active person labor, active personal management, or a combination.  All contributions must be commensurate with the claimed share of profit or loss to the farming operation and must be "at risk" for a loss.

Landowner Exemption - this rule applies to a person or legal entity that is a "landowner", including landowners with an undivided interest in land, thus making them "actively engaged" in farming with respect to the owned land.

Cash Rent Tenant - this rule requires that a cash rent tenant MUST make a significant contribution to the farming operation of either active personal labor, or both equipment and active personal management.

Foreign Person Rule - a foreign person is any person who is not a citizen of the United States or does not possess a valid permanent or resident alien card.  This rule states that to be eligible for payments, the foreign person must provide a significant contribution of active personal labor.

Adjusted Gross Income - for all programs, with the exception of CRP for 2014 only, a person or entity will not be eligible for payments if the average of their farm and non-farm income exceeds $900,000. 


The Farm Service Agency supports the Risk Management Agency (RMA) in the prevention of fraud, waste, and abuse of the Federal Crop Insurance Program.  FSA has been, and will continue to assist RMA and insurance providers by monitoring crop conditions throughout the growing season.  FSA will continue to refer all suspected cases of fraud, waste and abuse directly to RMA.  Producers can report suspected cases to the FSA office, RMA, or the Office of the Inspector General.


The NAP program provides assistance for crop losses due to eligible natural disaster conditions for crops for which catastrophic (CAT) level crop insurance is not available in the county.  The program covers commercially produced crops.  It does not include home gardens, experimental crops,  by products from processing or harvesting of an eligible crop, volunteer stands, nor any crop not produced for food or fiber.

NAP payments may be issued to eligible producers when crop losses exceed 50% of the individual's approved yield.  If producers have not established an individual yield by providing FSA with past years' production, the approved yield will be 65% of the average historic yield for the crop. The payment rate is 55% of the historic average market price.  Production records for all crops must be reported to FSA no later than the acreage reporting date for the crop for the following year.  NAP losses must be reported within 15 days of the date the loss became apparent. 

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Toll-free Customer Service), (800) 877-8339 (Local or Federal relay),
(866) 377-8642 (Relay voice users).

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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