Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Fwd: Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Get your Richmond County Updates!

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From: USDA Farm Service Agency <>
Date: Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 1:30 PM
Subject: Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Get your Richmond County Updates!

June 2014

GovDelivery Newsletter Masthead

Richmond County FSA Updates

Richmond County FSA Office
123 Caroline St., Suite 400
Rockingham, NC  28379


Phone: 910-895-3950
Fax: 910-895-3812

County Executive Director:
Amy Hill Yaklin

Senior Farm Loan Officer:
William Rhodes

Program Technicians:
Tami H Thomas

Program Technicians:
Tami H Thomas

COC Members:
Nathanial Rankin - Chair
Jerry Morgan - Vice Chair
Lee Berry - Member
Patricia Dial - Advisor

Next County Committee Meeting:  To be announced

Office Closed:  July 4th


In order to comply with FSA program eligibility requirements, all producers are encouraged to visit the Richmond County FSA office to file an accurate crop certification report by the applicable deadline.

The following acreage reporting dates are applicable for Richmond County:

July 15, 2014:                         CRP, Tobacco, Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, Peanuts,

 Processing Beans, and all other crops and land uses

September 15, 2014:              Cabbage PP2, Beans PP2, Squash PP2, Cucumbers PP2

September 30, 2014:              2015 Aquaculture

The following exceptions apply to the above acreage reporting dates:

·        If the crop has not been planted by the above acreage reporting date, then the acreage must be reported no later than 15 calendar days after planting is completed.

·        If a producer acquires additional acreage after the above acreage reporting date, then the acreage must be reported no later than 30 calendars days after purchase or acquiring the lease. Appropriate documentation must be provided to the county office.

·        If a perennial forage crop is reported with the intended use of "cover only," "green manure," "left standing," or "seed," then the acreage must be reported by July 15th.

Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) policy holders should note that the acreage reporting date for NAP covered crops is the earlier of the dates listed above or 15 calendar days before grazing or harvesting of the crop begins.

For questions regarding crop certification and crop loss reports, please contact the Richmond County FSA office at Phone.


Landowners and operators are reminded that in order to receive payments from USDA, they must be compliant with Highly Erodible Land (HEL) and Wetland Conservation (WC) provisions.   Farmers with HEL determined soils must apply tillage, crop residue and rotation requirements as specified in their conservation plan. 

Producers should notify FSA prior to conducting land clearing or drainage projects to ensure compliance.  If you intend to clear any trees to create new cropland, these areas will need to be reviewed to ensure any work will not jeopardize your eligibility for benefits.

Landowners and operators can complete form AD-1026 Highly Erodible Land Conservation (HELC) and Wetland Conservation (WC) Certification to determine whether a referral to Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is necessary.  

For more information on Highly Erodible Land and Wetland Conservation provisions, contact a FSA County Office or visit the FSA website at 


When changes in farm ownership or operation take place, a farm reconstitution is necessary. The reconstitution — or recon — is the process of combining or dividing farms or tracts of land based on the farming operation.

The following are the different methods used when doing a farm recon.

Estate Method — the division of bases, allotments and quotas for a parent farm among heirs in settling an estate;

Designation of Landowner Method — may be used when (1) part of a farm is sold or ownership is transferred; (2) an entire farm is sold to two or more persons; (3) farm ownership is transferred to two or more persons; (4) part of a tract is sold or ownership is transferred; (5) a tract is sold to two or more persons; or (6) tract ownership is transferred to two or more persons. In order to use this method the land sold must have been owned for at least three years, or a waiver granted, and the buyer and seller must sign a Memorandum of Understanding;

DCP Cropland Method — the division of bases in the same proportion that the DCP cropland for each resulting tract relates to the DCP cropland on the parent tract;

Default Method — the division of bases for a parent farm with each tract maintaining the bases attributed to the tract level when the reconstitution is initiated in the system.


$$$$$$$ BANK ACCOUNT CHANGES $$$$$$$$$$

Current policy mandates that FSA payments be electronically transferred into a bank account. In order for timely payments to be made, producers need to notify the FSA county office when an account has been changed or if another financial institution purchases the bank where payments are sent. Payments can be delayed if the FSA office is not aware of updates to bank accounts and routing numbers.



Special accommodations will be made upon request for individuals with disabilities, vision impairment or hearing impairment. If accommodations are required, individuals should contact the county FSA office staff directly or by phone.


Using the correct signature when doing business with FSA can save time and prevent a delay in program benefits. The following are FSA signature guidelines:

·        Spouses may sign documents on behalf of each other for FSA and CCC programs in which either has an interest, unless written notification denying a spouse this authority has been provided to the county office

·        Spouses shall not sign on behalf of each other as an authorized signatory for partnerships, joint ventures, corporations, or other similar entities 

For additional clarification on proper signatures contact your local FSA office.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Toll-free Customer Service), (800) 877-8339 (Local or Federal relay),
(866) 377-8642 (Relay voice users).

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If you have questions about FSA activities, please view our Frequently Asked Questions page or you may also Search our web site. These features are designed to assist you in obtaining the information you are seeking.

This service is provided to you at no charge by the USDA Farm Service Agency.

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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