Friday, May 9, 2014

Fwd: **ICNN** A Surprise Power Hour INSANITY Play!

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From: StockMister <>
Date: Fri, May 9, 2014 at 11:54 AM
Subject: **ICNN** A Surprise Power Hour INSANITY Play!
To: does its best to bring you accurate information but errors may and sometimes do occur. Always do your own research before investin

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sm logo does its best to bring you accurate information but errors may and sometimes do occur. Always do your own research before investing. is not a licensed financial advisor. This is a paid for marketing newsletter which will state compensation, if any, for the specific company being marketed in the disclaimer at the end of this newsletter, this is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell securities.


Our New Play is: **ICNN** Incoming Inc.


Hello Traders,

It's been a crappy week and I want to try something different.... How about a quick ONE HOUR INSANITY Play!!! This is for the fastest traders out there and could be CRAZY..... Check out this Play now for some possible Action between 3PM EDT and 4PM EDT Today 5/9/14!!

My POWER Hour INSANITY Play is: "ICNN" Incoming Inc.

Let's just quickly go to the company website to see what they do:

"Our Mission"

"Our mission is to become a leading provider in the international biofuel industry by building a diverse portfolio of renewable energy assets and capitalizing on the profitability of foreign markets. Our current facility is located in North Carolina and our acquisition plan targets facilities in Brazil's emerging green energy market."

"Our Strategy"

"We operate at the intersection of sustainability and profitability, constantly exploring innovative alternatives for waste products and identifying growth opportunities. While our focus is renewable energy and environmentally responsible businesses, the overall strategy is to diversify our portfolio of subsidiaries with supporting sectors such as chemical manufacturing and petroleum distribution."

"There is no such thing as waste. The notion of waste is only useful as a measurement of how far you are from achieving perfect harmony."

"Our Philosophy"

"We strongly believe in the concept behind renewables. For us, it's not just another product or buzz word; it's not just fuel and all things green. It is a core approach to problem solving that centers around the idea that there is no such thing as waste. The notion of waste is only useful as a measurement of how far you are from achieving perfect harmony."

"This approach extends far beyond the end product. We are constantly tweaking and streamlining our processes in the lab and on the production floor. Even in the office, we are always adjusting and evolving our workflow and administrative systems to ensure the most effective use of our talented team."

"Our Future"

"We are aggressively exploring expansion opportunities in Brazil. We believe in the Brazilian economy as an emerging market and see the growing demand for biodiesel made apparent by recent government mandates and favorable tax incentives."

Get ICNN on your Radar NOW for Some possible ONE HOUR INSANITY Action!!

Please sign up for my FREE Text Message list. Almost always e-mails take long to be received and when I send out my 9:30-9:35AM EST play's they start flying super fast! So in order for everyone to get these play's at EXACTLY the time I release them, you need to be a text message subscriber! It's really easy to become a member: Just grab your cellphone and Text the word "StockMister" to "95577" (standard text messaging rates may apply).

Also don't forget to bookmark in order to see my MONSTER Alert's!!

Also always remember that every single alert I send is very volatile and risky. Any one of them could turn into a big loser. In my personal opinion, no matter how much potential any company has, 99% of the time all that matters is HOW THE STOCK TRADES. If a stock doesn't trade well, nothing else matters. Don't believe the hype. Be sure to use a tight stop, book profits quickly on these volatile trades, never let any one trade move too far against you, watch out for gaps, make sure the stock is trading in a healthy way before you enter, and monitor it closely to make sure momentum is positive. It's always safest to book profits quickly, even on alerts with long-term potential. (Amateur biased unlicensed opinions)

I would like to also explain how my Newsletter Makes MONEY!!

I DON'T FRONTLOAD, BUY, RECEIVE any SHARES of a Company I Profile!! I NEVER OWN ANY POSITION IN A COMPANY I ALERT/PROFILE!! It would be UNFAIR, WRONG and ILLEGAL for me to have a position in ANY Company I ever Profile on my Newsletter! I am what is known as a STOCK PROMOTER!!

I just wanted to address this issue for some people who might think I trade the companies I profile on my Newsletter or I own a position before or during the time I profile them!!! The honest truth is I DO NOT!!..... I do get CASH compensation to profile companies most of the times I talk about them in my Newsletter, this is HOW I MAKE MONEY and pretty much how 99% of ALL the other Newsletters out there make money...... Most of you have signed up to my Newsletter because of an advertisement you saw, well it costs money to run those advertisements.... I ALWAYS Disclose how much and who paid me in my Disclaimer at the end of each e-mail!!!

Here is some information directly from the SEC Website:

Tips for Checking Out Newsletters

"Find out whether the newsletter received payment to "tout" or recommend the stock and, if so, what it received and from whom.

Because the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment protects freedom of speech, the SEC cannot simply prohibit newsletters from recommending or touting particular stocks. But when newsletters receive payment for touting, the securities laws require them to disclose specifically who paid them, the amount, and the type of payment (cash, stock, or some other thing of value).

Read carefully what the newsletter says about payments it receives.

Be suspicious of newsletters that do not specifically disclose these items: who paid them, the amount, and the type of payment. The following examples raise red flags because they do not contain specific information:

"From time to time, XYZ Newsletter may receive compensation from companies we write about."

"From time to time, XYZ Newsletter or its officers, directors, or staff may hold stock in some of the companies we write about."

"XYZ Newsletter receives fees from the companies we write about in our newsletter."

Think twice about newsletters that bury their disclosures or put them in tiny, hard-to-read typeface. Legitimate online newsletters that have been paid to tout stocks will clearly and specifically tell investors who paid them, the amount, and the type of payment. Look for their disclosure statements in articles about particular companies or in a list or chart on their websites."

I hope this answers a lot of your questions and also gives you a better perspective to my play's the Next Time you see one!! Don't forget to tell everyone you know about and help my Newsletter Grow!!

Thank you,
Rafael, A.K.A StockMister

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*Never invest in a stock mentioned by unless you can afford to lose your entire investment.

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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