Thursday, May 8, 2014

Fwd: **BRZG** Let's Make this Play Go INSANE Tomorrow Together!

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From: StockMister <>
Date: Thu, May 8, 2014 at 7:27 PM
Subject: **BRZG** Let's Make this Play Go INSANE Tomorrow Together!
To: does its best to bring you accurate information but errors may and sometimes do occur. Always do your own research before investin

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sm logo does its best to bring you accurate information but errors may and sometimes do occur. Always do your own research before investing. is not a licensed financial advisor. This is a paid for marketing newsletter which will state compensation, if any, for the specific company being marketed in the disclaimer at the end of this newsletter, this is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell securities.


Our New Play is: **BRZG** Brazil Gold Corp.


Hello Traders,

WOW!! What a crazy day it was with BRZG today........ It opened up at $.0056 and rose OVER 200% hitting $.0175.... Than it just started swinging all over the place including going into red territory when it dropped down to $.0042, but than went on to rise OVER 50% to hit $.0066!!! I might be completely wrong but I think BRZG is such a WILD PLAY that we could still be in for some more action TOMORROW 5/9/14!!!! So I am making BRZG my INSANITY MONSTER Play again for FRIDAY 5/9/14........ Do me a favor and go into chat rooms, facebook, skype, twitter, even Instagram and tell EVERYONE you know to watch BRZG TOMORROW maybe as a team we can see another CRAZY day from it and even SHORT SQUEEZE it to ALL TIME HIGHS!!!

Previous E-mails on BRZG:

It seems we are undergoing a MASSIVE Short Attack on BRZG and I am going to Stick with it as my ONLY Play for TOMORROW 5/9/14!! If you have ever wanted to get one of My INSANITY MONSTER Play's EARLY than here is your chance as BRZG is my INSANITY Play for TOMORROW 5/9!!!

Previous E-mails on BRZG:

Im not giving up on BRZG yet!! This play has to be getting shorted heavily and i think between this Afternoon and Tomorrow we could see a possible MASSIVE Short SQUEEZE take place!! Make sure you are around for possibly something INSANE and keep watching BRZG!!!

Previous email on BRZG

Today I have an exciting SUB-PENNY INSANITY MONSTER Play for you!!! This play has been seeing extra attention in the last couple of days and with recent developments could be ready for a possible INSANE BREAKOUT!!!! Just always remember to NOT CHASE IT and watch for Positive Momentum!!

My New Play is: "BRZG" Brazil Gold Corp.

I can pretty much give you all the information for you to do your research and get BRZG on your radar by showing you the latest press release the company had just 2 days ago on May 6th!!!

Brazil Gold Corp. Announces a new Business Initiative and Will Change its Name to Conexus Corporation

Brazil Gold/Conexus Corp
May 6, 2014 7:53 AM

NEW YORK, May 6, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- In connection with its new business initiative Brazil Gold Corp. will be changing its corporate name to Conexus Corporation, reflecting our broader business interests.

Dear Shareholder:

On April 11, 2014 we made a filing with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission reporting an exciting new business initiative for Brazil Gold. As we examined various macro issues impacting natural resources, commodities and agriculture we identified a significant business opportunity in beef cattle production. We have been able to team with executives whom many years of experience in all aspects of live animal agriculture. In connection with this initiative we will be changing our corporate name to Conexus Corporation, reflecting our broader business interests. Please visit our new company website:

Beef cattle represent a significant portion of live animal agriculture in the United States. However, contrary to the popular imagination the industry is largely comprised of very small operations. As compared to the consolidation that has been witnessed in hog and poultry operations there has been very limited consolidation of beef cattle operations. Today there are more than 725,000 cattle ranches in the United States with an average herd size of slightly over 40 cows/ranch, according to independent industry data.

Since 1960, the number of hog operations has declined to 50,000 from 1,800,000 with the average hog inventory at these operations having grown to 1,800 from 50. During the same period poultry operations have declined to 25,000 from 2,200,000 with the average broiler inventory having grown to 50,000 from 25. Cattle operations have been reduced by only 20% since 1993. The top 25 domestic cow/calf operations, as reported by the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, represent less than 1% of the total domestic production base of 29 million head.

We plan to establish ourselves as one of the largest beef cattle operations in the United States on the basis of a shared economic model that provides regular and stable cash flow to contract cattlemen (landowners). We expect to benefit from economies of scale, efficiencies and operating leverage, which is not available to the small rancher. Further, we will largely limit our use of financial leverage to the financing of our highly liquid inventory - the cattle themselves - without bearing the capital cost of land acquisition and ownership.

Many of America's traditional cattle producers raise cattle as part of their rural lifestyle and to supplement their income. Our plan for consolidation is to offer these cattlemen an opportunity to deleverage through the sale of the animals to Conexus while also entering into a contract to care for the cattle on their property for a fee. The cattleman will continue to have cattle on their property, preserving their way of life, while greatly reducing the operating burden and cash flow issues associated with a small operation and receive a stable stream of income.

Our model is to purchase animals from cattlemen/landowners for a market price and to simultaneously enter into a contract with each cattleman whereby the cattleman will continue to monitor the herd. Under this contract, the cattleman will be paid a monthly fee with an annual bonus potential. We intend to assemble multiple production pods of 5,000 head in geographically concentrated areas and to manage each production pod as a unit. We will take on the responsibility of genetic selection, providing veterinary protocols and care, designing and purchasing nutritional inputs, marketing and transportation. We expect that significant savings will be achieved through economies of scale; genetic performance, consistent cattle quality and higher cattle market weights, reduced marketing costs, transportation savings, feed cost and other factors.

An integral and fundamental component of our business plan is to apply a disciplined set of standard operation procedures ("SOPs") to our operations. This will be an essential component of fully realizing the economic benefits described above. These SOPs will bring demonstrated best practices and operating discipline that are difficult for a small rancher to consistently achieve and apply on their own. The application and management of the SOPs will be fashioned and based on the well-developed contract grower model that is common in the hog industry. We intend to demonstrate operating discipline through the consistent application of best practices to areas including: bull management, genetics, nutrition, veterinary care, and marketing.

We have identified more than $450 of supply chain inefficiencies for each animal sold in the current fragmented beef cattle production system. Our business model is focused on eliminating these inefficiencies and capturing the resulting profit and cash flow. For example, with the scale envisaged by our business model incremental profit will be realized through the disintermediation of at least two service providers that are currently an important part of the market chain for the small producer; the backgrounder and the livestock auction barn complex.

Our focus is on cows and calves. The industry structure is such that feedlots consolidate masses of young animals and feed them until they reach market weight at which point the animals are sold under contract to processors. The commodity price risk associated with cattle production is largely experienced in this feeding segment of the industry and not in the cow/calf stage of production. Cows feed on grass for the majority of the year. This grass is grown and the cattle graze on land unsuitable for the production of cash crops such as corn, soy, or wheat. During the winter months, or during drought the grass is supplemented by hay. Our scale and financial resources will allow us to purchase and store hay at favorable prices for use during winter months, or drought.

Our geographic focus will be the central and southern states of; Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, northern Mississippi, northern Alabama, eastern Oklahoma, east Texas, southern Indiana and southern Illinois. Initially, our emphasis will be in Kentucky, Tennessee, and southern Indiana and in the tri-state corner of Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma. These areas have a significant density of ranches that fit the size criteria of 40 to 250 head and lend themselves to establishment of multiple production pods of 5,000 head each. This geographic area also has consistently good levels of precipitation as well as grassland that will support a relatively high density of animals per acre.

We look forward to updating our shareholders with our progress as we execute the business plan associated with our new initiative and thank you for your support. Please use our website for any questions you may have.

Sincerely yours,

Stephen Price
Chief Executive Officer

Full Story here:

Now get BRZG on your Radar and make sure you watch for MOMENTUM as we could be in for one CRAZY Day!!

Please sign up for my FREE Text Message list. Almost always e-mails take long to be received and when I send out my 9:30-9:35AM EST play's they start flying super fast! So in order for everyone to get these play's at EXACTLY the time I release them, you need to be a text message subscriber! It's really easy to become a member: Just grab your cellphone and Text the word "StockMister" to "95577" (standard text messaging rates may apply).

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Also always remember that every single alert I send is very volatile and risky. Any one of them could turn into a big loser. In my personal opinion, no matter how much potential any company has, 99% of the time all that matters is HOW THE STOCK TRADES. If a stock doesn't trade well, nothing else matters. Don't believe the hype. Be sure to use a tight stop, book profits quickly on these volatile trades, never let any one trade move too far against you, watch out for gaps, make sure the stock is trading in a healthy way before you enter, and monitor it closely to make sure momentum is positive. It's always safest to book profits quickly, even on alerts with long-term potential. (Amateur biased unlicensed opinions)

I would like to also explain how my Newsletter Makes MONEY!!

I DON'T FRONTLOAD, BUY, RECEIVE any SHARES of a Company I Profile!! I NEVER OWN ANY POSITION IN A COMPANY I ALERT/PROFILE!! It would be UNFAIR, WRONG and ILLEGAL for me to have a position in ANY Company I ever Profile on my Newsletter! I am what is known as a STOCK PROMOTER!!

I just wanted to address this issue for some people who might think I trade the companies I profile on my Newsletter or I own a position before or during the time I profile them!!! The honest truth is I DO NOT!!..... I do get CASH compensation to profile companies most of the times I talk about them in my Newsletter, this is HOW I MAKE MONEY and pretty much how 99% of ALL the other Newsletters out there make money...... Most of you have signed up to my Newsletter because of an advertisement you saw, well it costs money to run those advertisements.... I ALWAYS Disclose how much and who paid me in my Disclaimer at the end of each e-mail!!!

Here is some information directly from the SEC Website:

Tips for Checking Out Newsletters

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Because the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment protects freedom of speech, the SEC cannot simply prohibit newsletters from recommending or touting particular stocks. But when newsletters receive payment for touting, the securities laws require them to disclose specifically who paid them, the amount, and the type of payment (cash, stock, or some other thing of value).

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Be suspicious of newsletters that do not specifically disclose these items: who paid them, the amount, and the type of payment. The following examples raise red flags because they do not contain specific information:

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Think twice about newsletters that bury their disclosures or put them in tiny, hard-to-read typeface. Legitimate online newsletters that have been paid to tout stocks will clearly and specifically tell investors who paid them, the amount, and the type of payment. Look for their disclosure statements in articles about particular companies or in a list or chart on their websites."

I hope this answers a lot of your questions and also gives you a better perspective to my play's the Next Time you see one!! Don't forget to tell everyone you know about and help my Newsletter Grow!!

Thank you,
Rafael, A.K.A StockMister

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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